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The process of Gene editing is a literal life saver,

able to prevent or even cure certain problems in a person, some as common as obesity or as life-threatening as cancer. The breakthrough of gene editing can save millions of lives from meeting a preemptive end. It not only can save lives, but in general improve them, for example, gene editing has the potential to allow the blind to see once again.


Another major issue that gene editing is able to

improve is the life span of people by replacing their aging cells This provides for longer lives and more possibilities of innovation in the modern world. The modern world defines our future, thus our future relies on our ability to operate genetic engineering, for will we be using CRISPR or other genetic engineering tools to improve mankind or will we find another way? [E.1]


The video to the right is further explanation of

the future of the world in conjunction with gene editing. [E.2]

Ted Talk: We can now edit our DNA. But let's do it wisely.

By Jennifer Doudna


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