Figuring Out Depression
Depression is quite anonymous genetically
however, biological mechanisms have been found in the human genome to be in correlation with the mental illness of depression. Depression claims the lives of too many, as 50% of people who commit suicide suffered from depression, if one were to include alcoholic depression, 75%. [E.4] Depression is tricky, because it's been linked to both environmental and genetic causes, and patients with the biomarker in their brains can be triggered into depression after increased conflicts in their lives.
By removing or altering the biological mechanisms in the genome, CRISPR can potentially cease the spread of genetic depression dramatically. [E.5]
The altering or removing genes in ones genome
as repeatedly mentioned can result in the alteration or removal of the mental affliction. CRISPR, has been seen to affect the biomarkers that control the feeling of depression. Although it is not precise in the idea of controlled alterations, it still holds the potential to be mastered and thus making it a viable option in the war against depression. CRISPR has also been seen to make effects on other mental illnesses. [E.5]