"Sometimes getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air" ~ Sarah Kay
Cultured intestinal stem cells were used to test this specific disease, and then used to grow into orginoids. Stem cells don't have any specialization; therefore, stem cells can develop into a vareity of different cells to form an organ. All embryos start off with stem cells. The CRISPR method using stem cells came in with a 50% success rate, which is quite high for a new technology. The team wants to perfect CRISPR, and make it more accurate to better the success rate, and thus apply this to real life situations. [E.14]
Let's Break Down Cystic Fibrosis
How It Fuctions!
Cystic Fibrosis
The CFTR, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductor receptor, gene is seen to be the gentic cause of cystic fibrosis. The gene regulates ion channels, and a deletion within the gene causes protein to misfold. The TALENs and Zinc finger methods of gentic engineering were not capable of solving this disease; however, CRISPR proved affective due to the fact it is fast and simple. Stem cells are typically used to study and test CRISPR, and as of recently they don't need to come from embryos. [E.14]