What's To See About Blindness
Retineitis pigmentosa can be X-linked on the
RPGR gene,Cas9 may also be able to reverse the inherited condition that causes blindness. It has a 13% success rate, seemingly terrible, however it shadows the alternative standard of 1%. Because CRISPR is so new, we are unable to understand and use it to the most efficient and precise way. Studies such as these prove potential in CRISPR that could shape the world. [E.6]
How It Concludes!
"It changed my life... I'm reading again, I'm watching TV again"
~ Joe Vellone
In China, experiments on human embryos have
been conducted with CRISPR, also genetic editing on already functioning specialized cells has been conducted. In this case both forms can be used to stop the X-linked trait. An X-linked trait is one in which the mother passes it down through her genome. Therefore testing of mothers or potential mothers can prove effective in the prevention of genetic afflictions like Blindness. The knowledge of the capacity of passing down such traits can help prevent and cure many afflictions. In this case CRISPR is still inaccurate; therefore, such precision in removal of genes isn't yet probable. [E.6]